It’s been a while…

I’ve neglecting this blog badly, and anyone, if anyone, who reads it. But I’m back and it’s been a busy but fun fuelled few months. The Summer has been fairly kind to me this year, starting in May with two of my favourite people’s wedding in beautiful Greece. Followed by my birthday and Glastonbury in June, as well as several other birthdays and a second cat Sheko (he continues to seek Betsy’s approval). Much indulgence and recovering took place in June. July started with a hen do in Bath and I saw Sean Paul in Bristol, which gave teenager me so much joy! I also at some point in these months had a moment of madness where I agreed to do a skydive in OCtober for Cancer Support UK. I’m petrified to be completely honest but if you can please donate click here. And now here we are in August.

Around the wonderful fun things has been some sadness for some of those closest to me. Lots of work in both the full time job and here on Foraged Steel, which I’m still trying to find the perfect balance of. A few exciting possibilities and changes are coming up which could be potentially be epic. This is giving me imposter syndrome HARD though. But all in all, I can’t grumble too much, other than about the weather which has been particularly shite this Summer.

I have lots of new designs and products to share with you all, which I’m super excited by! I have a few commissions projects to work on also. It’s been so enjoyable lately losing myself in the design process and the buzz of creating new pieces that I hope you will all love. I’m off to enjoy what is left of this Sunday evening before starting all over again tomorrow, Happy Sunday!


Well February disappeared in all of 5 minutes. Despite the month disappearing before my eyes, I had a much quieter month this month with commissions. This allowed me some time to focus on some experimental work and a few ‘first’ creations. I experimented with bracelets and earrings this month and I’m sure I’ll be sharing them with you all soon on Instagram.

I’ve been feeling the New Year burn out, I’ve had an intense start to the year with lots of work and deadlines in both my work and personal life. Finding a work, life, social and everything else in between balance is something I am yet to master. I like to be busy but I find it hard to find a nice balance between busy and drowning in tasks.

In a more positive note we had a gorgeous meal at Osip this month, it is a beautiful Farm to Table Michelin Star Restaurant set in Bruton. My partner and I adore food and saving money to spend on a delicious meal is one of our favourite things to do together. It was lovely experience and it was so exciting to not know what we would be served or the menu details. Each course was mouth watering and the best surprise. One of our favourite courses was a leek salad that was divineeee!

I’ve been working on a few commissions this month that have been fun and new to try! I love designing a new product/commission, it challenges me and allows me to develop new skills in my work. These are almost finished up and I can’t wait to share them with you all and the lovely customer who ordered them.

I think the burn out is suffocating my creative brain waves, I’ve been having a little bit of a mental block on creating new products and designs at the moment. Any suggestions or feedback, as always, on Foraged Steel, the products, what you want to see or anything else, is welcome. I want to continue to craft and design unique, recycled pieces you all love. On that note I’m going to sign off this post and stop waffling on. Thank you as always for your continued support and Happy March!

Char x

Welcome to Foraged Steel!

Hiii! Welcome to, it hasn’t come easily that’s for sure! I can confirm building a website is not a skill that has come naturally to me and has left me gently screaming at points, my boyfriend can confirm this. I’ve stared at my screen my mind just scrambling, nothing made sense, it was all just jumbled scramble. But here we are! I got there in the end.

Now do not get me wrong, as the website stands currently I’d hardly say I’m going to win any awards for Web Design (is that even correct?). But you and I now have a place to see updates on the latest work, see more about what I do and place orders/commission enquires. Despite my short patience I’ve managed to keep the website quiet but I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this all with you.

I’m hoping in the future I can continue to develop this website and add features you guys will love. One feature I’m looking forward to working on is some form of newsletter, blog post type thing to share with you all the things that are too long for Instagram captions! Please give me any feedback and any suggestions in the comments and thank you as always for your continued support of me and Foraged Steel!

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